But we're working hard to maintain a positive outlook around here.
Here are a few of our coping strategies:
I'll know more Monday when I see the orthopedist and get my cast. I'm hoping I can get an orange one for Halloween!
Radar - sounded robotic and cool.
Dizzy - doubly appropriate for the head spinning and being close to "Dizzle".
Button - very cute! Buttons is also pretty cute.
Clementine - oh sweet Clementine. She's sassy and vintage and delicious. I've always seen this owl as a boy though, otherwise this might have been our winner.
Chandler or Ross - an homage to my Friends obsession. This suggestion lead me straight to another good one: GUNTHER!
Doogie or Bizzle - Fabulous idea! A combo of my Dizzle and Boogie - love it!
Fuzzhead - Fisher, you're a creative genius.
Thimble - Fabulous sewing reference and cute name.
But the winner, well...I knew it when I saw it, and even after extensive consideration I'm still smitten. It's precious (in a good way), references my craft, is reminiscent of owl physicality, and is something dear to my heart since it's one of Dizzle's favorite objects.
My friends, I'd like to introduce you to...
Jenean - you're a genius! If you're the Jenean I think you are, or even if you're not, I'm not sure how to contact you. Could you contact me by leaving a comment, or emailing me, or messaging me on fb? We need to pow wow about your owl-y prize!
And now for the random winner!