Remember back on Fat Tuesday when I got inspired by Amy of Brownie Goose to give a portion of my sales during lent to our local no-kill animal shelter. It's 40 Days to Help the Strays!
I'm happy to report that I'll be sending $69.87 (ok, I'll probably round up to $70. It's for a good cause.) to our shelter, which is called the Dumb Friends League. That's a bit insulting, but they do a heap o' good, so I'll look past it.
And secondly, the Japan Benefit this past weekend was so much fun and a huge success! I don't have a number of what they raised altogether, but I bet it was a lot. There were a ton of people there and they were super generous! I sold about half the onesies I stitched up for the occasion, contributing over $100 to the cause.
And guess what! Now you can help too because the items leftover from the benefit are now for sale in my shop, with the same portion, $10 from each item, going to help our brothers and sisters in Japan.
Here's what's available and links to where you can purchase:
So hurry on over! When these are gone, they're gone!
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