So I spent the week pondering a design and sew sew sewing 25 t-shirts and onesies to sell at the benefit.
Want to help?! Here are a few ways:
1) If you're in the area, come on out to the benefit. It's 2:30-5:00 today and there will be performances, music, a silent auction, children's book sale and other goodies and food for sale to benefit Japan. Click on the poster above for all the details.
2) Purchase your own benefit t-shirt or onesie. If there are any left I will put them in my etsy shop and continue to send $10 per to Save the Children. Stay tuned on this one.
3) Donate! Click on over the Save the Children to make a quick donation to the Japan Relief Fund. Easy Peasy.
Thanks for all your design ideas and I'll let you know how it goes!
Arigatou Gozaimasu!
Thank You!
Arigatou Gozaimasu!
Thank You!
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