Sunday, April 8, 2012

A New Easter Tradition...Cascarones!

My new friend and writer Jennifer introduced me to a fun new Easter tradition. She told me about it yesterday - as in, the day before Easter. I decided to put a pin in it to save for Easter next year.

But it got the best of me and last night after the kiddos turned in, I went to making a batch of Cascarones! Here is the article Jennifer recently wrote about this fun Easter tradition.

Cascarones are hollowed out eggs that you fill with confetti and small edible and non-edible treats. Then you gently break the egg over someone's head (in theory) to bestow on them good luck and score the treats inside. It's like a mini-pinata.

Here's the step-by-step:
1. Cut a dime sized whole out of an egg (I used an exacto blade) and pour out the insides. Gross.
2. Clean out the egg real good and allow to dry.
3. Make some confetti by whole punching colored paper.
4. Put tiny treats and confetti inside each egg.
5. Paper mache tissue paper all over the eggs with a flour and water glue solution, reattaching the removed piece of the egg if you can.
6. Bust open those eggs and have fun!

I told Eli about the busting-over-the-head tradition and he was all for it.

But turns out I got a little too zealous with the paper mache portion of things because ours were too tough to break over the head without inducing concussion. Next year, just a thin layer. 
 A tree...
 ...or the driveway works great.

Happy Easter!!!

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