First, you should know that our home is a tiny, wee, smidgen of an apartment. I once facebooked about it saying, "You know your apartment is small when your baby naps in the bathroom and the third seat at your dining table is an arm of the couch."
That's right. Until Little A was about 5 months old, he napped in the bathroom. Don't judge. It worked for us. I would put him down in the swing in our bathroom and then I could be crafty in my craft area in our (my husband's, A's and my) bedroom.
Once he hit 5 months (prime sleep-training age) I had to start napping him in his crib for consistency's sake. Which meant I my crafting time got hacked! Not ok.
So I undertook an epic rearrange (one of my favorite activities).
I chopped our living space almost in half. It's definitely not an aesthetic improvement to the room - but functionally - it's genius.
A-Boogie can snooze away in his crib instead know.
I don't have to put my projects away so we can eat a meal.
And I can stand in my 14" wide crafting gully and look over the heads of my two playing babies, out the full wall of windows in front of me at, right now, the trees off our porch bursting with vibrant pink blossoms.
This apartment may be wee, but it sure has its perks.
Oh I love seeing crafy spaces!!! I'm so nosy and love when I get to see down and dirty creativity.... or in your case bright and whimsical creativity.