We need very little excuse around here to make and eat cake. For one, E-Dizzle really enjoys the process, as do I.

So today we whipped up a lovely little cake for a very special reason. Today is Big E's half birthday. What? You don't get a cake for your half birthday? Why the heck not?

Oh, the home sewn cake. What fun. E is very in to Madagascar right now, so this is my nod to Melman, the goofy hypochondriac giraffe voiced by David Schwimmer.

He was soooooo excited. I let him pick out his cake mix (that's right - I'm a boxed mix kind of baker - hey, it works!). He went with funfetti, of course. And he's been anticipating it for days. His excitement was not dampened by the fact that we had birthday cake this morning at a friend's 3rd birthday part. In fact, the promise of cake when he woke up was what got him down for a nap in record time.
Here's something a little twisted about my kid. He requested the piece of cake with Melman's tongue. Interesting.

Poor Melman.
Not long ago we celebrated A-Boogie's half birthday.

He was not as impressed.

Nor was his cake as impressive. No, that's not a ponytail skull cake. It's a mouse. Get it? Amos...A mouse. Go with me here.

My sweet half year old.
Ooooo oooo, but you must see my crowning glory! This is the first time I have ever had a food vision and played it through to its successful completion (food, it's not really my gift).
And. it. was. glorious!

Bad photo - good cake!

And the birthday boy was totally smitten with it. Every time he comes across this little red tractor, he tells me it was from his birthday cake that Mommy made him. Does it get any better?
I expect a call from Duff any day.
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