Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Guest Photographer

This is turning into Lazy Blogger week. First there was Monday's post from Guest Blogger, Sarah - thanks so much! 

And today we have a guest photographer who goes by the singular moniker, Dizzy.
Eli has taken up the camera. I haven't re-touched these photos at all and I think they have a lot to say. 

He's off to a great start. He has a keen eye and a curiosity about how things will photograph from different perspectives. He likes to play with scale and composition and I can't wait to see where this might take him. 
Compliments of...the Even Lazier Blogger. And Dizzy.

1 comment:

  1. OH! Dizzy definitely has the makings of a pro. And that last picture of Hazel is amazing... you can see his reflection in her eyes!! Good job, little man!
