Thursday, December 1, 2011

Embrace the Olden Days

Hold onto your hats. This is gonna be fun. 
I have been searching for a really old photo of something my mom made when we were kids. I've been trying to find it for no avail. But whilst I've been digging around for it, I found a few other gems from my childhood.

So, for this week's embrace the camera... I give you...the
Huh. My cake face really hasn't changed that much over the years. 
Neither have my cake manners. 

Hipstamatic just wishes for that shot right there. Classic early eighties. 

Can you say knuckle sandwich?

Pretty Yaya. 

Sisters in our Sunday best. 

Uh oh. Double trouble. 

Two things about the below photo:
1) I have chicken pox and that mischievous grin on my sister there is because she gave me that haircut. 
2) That was our great dane, Gretchen. Once, she ate my dress and it came back whole. 
I'm just sayin'.

Now Hazel's would like to sneak in on this post to say:
Is it present time yet???


  1. so stinkin' adorable! and i see eli's eyes!

  2. Who are you fixin' to punch in that first one?

  3. love this post... you are making me want to dig up some old photo's!
    Happy Holidays!

  4. So cute! I just ran across some old photos too. Gotta love the 80's! (I had that same rocking horse!)

  5. Oh my gosh, the sister hair cut had my laughing, but then the dog and the dress finished me off. Hilarious!

  6. I had a hobby horse like that, too! In fact, my mom saved it and now my son is riding off into the sunset on it! What a fun post! Gotta go break out my old photos now!
