Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring is in the air. Beathe Deep.

Can you smell it?

Yes there's still snow on the ground, and yes...
darn it, yes...
it will snow again.

But it's getting closer.

Spring. Will. Come.
So, as is our tradition, we crafted up a peachy spring wreath. We started with hand and footprints of the two babies who were home at the time (Eli was in N.C. with the fella). 
 Look at bitty Hazel back there eating her puffs. Precious kitten.

A little cardboard circle and some tissue paper...
 and one bath to occupy the 2 year old. Just crumple and glue.
What? You don't craft while your kiddo bathes? Just watch that your hotglue gun doesn't fall in the tub!
The kicker is the chalk cloth backdrop. You'll never guess where I found the idea. Yup. Pintrest.

 Donchya love it? Here's the source.

Aside - if we ever buy our house I'm getting a pretty front door 1st thing. This door is fugly.
So, take note weatherman. Our door is ready. Bring on the spring. 

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! And I am addicted to Pinterest. What evil time-wasting person came up with it? Whoever it is, I love them!!! :D
