Monday, February 13, 2012

Under the Big Blue Blanket

Ok. It's a lot. I know.

But there was just so much love under the big blue blanket that morning...

The devolution of the photoshoot...

This lovefest was 100% voluntary. No jellybean bribes were even offered.

So Eli got hungry:
I mean come on.


  1. no, never too much!

    absolutely gorgeous. each and every one of them. i mean, WOW.

  2. Oh, what sweet babies!!! They are beautiful. And photography kuddos to Y-O-U!
    Thank you for your comment; stay warm in chilly Denver!! (which is on my list of places to visit. but probably in the summer months!)

  3. So cute!!! Love those photos of the blue blanket! It was so great to see you the other night!
