No vacation is complete without...

...a little couple time. We spent an entire day kid-free. We wandered downtown Asheville, ate at the Early Girl (hot diggety yum), got a pedicure, saw a movie, had dinner with friends and finished the day watching the sunset on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Craggy Gardens. Perfecto.

...a little puking. Baby A woke up barfing one morning when we had a whole day of travels and playing planned (It was day two of
Aunt Sharon and Uncle Bob's fun fest) so I was bummed. He was pitiful. But after three rounds of hurling (all on me), he had a miraculous turn around and we were able to make all our plans. Chuck and rally.

...a visit to prison.
Ok, not really. Dizzy got the brilliant idea to plaster the whole sheet of temporary tattoos on his chest. Classic. These are good quality tats. It's been over a week since he did that and they're not even beginning to fade. Those top two peek out of his shirt neckline. Great for Vacation Bible School this week. Plus he's super proud and shows them off to random strangers. All of them.

...some sweet sweet snuggles. Which were a'plenty.
Sending this post over to the Anderson Crew today for Embrace the Camera. You should check it out!
haha I love it! someone got a little crazy with the tattoos!