Let me showcase for you all the newly available goodies!
And now for the pinafores. Pinafores are the new black you know - and I can't wait until I have a little gal to put one on.
And yes. My one-year-old son is modelling these. I was super conflicted because o.m.w. he's so darn cute in them! So, for a fleeting moment I decided I should make Manifores - you know, manly pinafores. But the internet assured me that there's no such thing. Alas.
So instead I had to go through and crop most of his face out of the photos like in the old-timey medical books where they blacked out the eyes on photos of kids with the mumps and stuff. Creepy.
All of these are available in sizes 6-12 months, 18 months, and 2T. And they're all reversible!
Click on any photo to take you to the etsy listing.

Squealing induced!