Monday, March 29, 2010

Make the Shift!

Mothers? Are you out there? If you're reading this - you should also be reading this:
The Make Shift Revolution: Making a Shift in the Culture of Motherhood.

In my words, The Make Shift Revolution blog is attempting to reverse the "Moms must do, be, have it all, at the expense of peace and happiness" trend. It dispels the myth of Supermom and celebrates the real mom. It highlights moms who are doing things differently and creatively, in ways that work for them. Founder of this blog, my friend Mary Allison, calls them Mothers of Invention. Genius, no?

In her words, Mary Allison says of the blog:

"when i was raised in a culture, influenced so heavily by women’s progress and the promise that women could “have it all” (a fulfilling career, a joyous family life, and time for self, others, and matters of the spirit), ...the superhero existence required for such fullness of life were not what i had pictured. i am a full-time mother and a part-time minister, whose partner is as supportive financially, domestically, and emotionally as he can possibly be. even so, i confess that if this chaotic and often isolating juggling act is the picture of “having it all,” then i no longer want it all.

there is such a vast territory between the ultra-traditional women’s roles of long ago and the ultra-idealistic standards for women’s success that are still prized by our culture and dangled before us like distorted fun house mirrors. who lives in this territory? are there women out there who are blazing a new path to a more balanced existence, who are replacing these old models for motherhood with the creative hum-drum of their daily lives?

it is my hunch that many wonderful, creative women live in this territory, and i am hereby making it my job to highlight as many of them as i can. it is my hope that by putting our stories together, we could go from creating healthier lives for ourselves, to creating a healthier culture of motherhood for the world."

Now that's revolutionary.

My friend Mary Allison (that's her to the left), I am honored to know you and to be reading your work of honesty, kindness and brilliance. I am spreading the word of this revolution to everyone I know. What a gift you have given us!

Now, ahem, to toot my own horn. It just so happens that I am today's Mother of Invention on the Make Shift Revolution Blog. Check me out!

Then return often to see people making the shift!


  1. thanks for the shout out, jessa! your blog is looking so fancy and happy. makes me want to clad our whole family in crazy pants!

  2. Popping in to say hi! Saw you on MakeShift Revolution! I'm a friend of M.A.'s and your newest blog follower!

